Whilst researching our electric narrowboat, we came across the “Electric Boat Association” a UK organisation who are championing the use of electric propulsion on all sorts of vessels, from Dinghies to Dutch Barges.
Most of their members are electric boat owners or people/companies that have an interest in electric propulsion. With regular meetings, a magazine and a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in electic boating, we decided to cough up the very reasonable £29 yearly subscription, and are now fully paid up members.

It was not until after we joined, that we realised we could have been members a few years earlier when we bought a 12ft Intex dinghy and fitted a Bison electric outboard to it.

We certainly had some fun in that boat and proved that “boating on a budget” was possible. Now with a larger budget, it is time to create our second electric boat and have some more fun.