Work goes on at a rapid pace on board Old Nick. Those Ortomarine guys and gals don’t hang around. The daily photos are really quite thrilling – even if wiring doesn’t “float your boat”! Actually watching paint dry has a certain fascination, too.
This is just a very quick post to reveal what Old Nick will eventually look like on the outside – the livery. We played around for ages with various images and finally came to the conclusion that less is more. We hope you like the look as much as we do and – without further ado – here it is! You can right click on the image (open image in new tab) to look in more detail if you wish.

We used the Ortomarine Narrowboat Paint Design tool, which we wrote about here to mess around with ideas.
For those interested in detail, the RAL paint colour is 7036 – Platinum Grey. And for those who don’t know what a RAL number is, it’s like Pantone but for paint and stuff. There’s a link if you want to read more! We’ll be posting some pictures of how things are coming along soon – both on Twitter and on Facebook.
PS – another song title as a post name (in case you hadn’t noticed)!
Great post! Always thought i was pretty good at ‘Pop-Master’, but the classic hits ‘The Other Half of a Hybrid’ and ‘Living with Lead Carbons’ completely escape me! 🙂
I feel a song title challenge coming on!
Ooohhhh lovely!!! This is all SSOoooooo exciting !!! I imagine you are beside yourselves with excitement !!! xxxx
It’s beyond exciting- we are literally watching our dreams come true – finally!
Also an album (Split Enz) as well as a song title (Kelly/Stienbek).